Friday, April 21, 2006

April 21 Committee Meeting

So those were the agenda items; here's what we actually did:

We discussed possible questions (and revisions to questions) for the CTEP profile video. Included in this discussion was some talk of what our statement of purpose for the video will be.

We also talked about the desire to use our vlog more regularly. In an effort to put words to action, we filmed Kevin's brief introduction to our agenda items, and then posted the video using Google Video. Now all of our committee members are familiar with this process and will be able to post video regularly.

PS--Sorry the video got cut off at the end. We ran out of room on the memory card.

Here's the CTEP WiFI Video Project - Now available on google video!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Legendary Media Committee Ghost Movie

During the filming of the incredible WiFi video, Kevin and Rox worked on a seperate video. This video, of the ghost that they saw on that fateful day.